Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!! its monsters...!!!

You know how it happens? you notice your tastes changes with time...well I think I have truly entered my whimsical ghoulie phase...cos I have been in the mood to create monsters...goblins....trolls and ghoulies of all sorts...I must say it is fun! especially when I tend to use no pattern and simply dig into my sacks ( yes sacks) of fabrics to find a piece just right to create a little face. I make the faces from directly sewing by hand or machine onto fabric. There is sometimes some applique used to created mouths and noses...the best part is thinking what kind of character this creature will have.....spoilt? or shy?  who knows.....I love the free expression of creating without needling to conform to a set way to do it.....making cloth dolls was a little too precise for me especially getting the facial features right...With my ghoulies there is no need as eyes and mouths can be uneven or distorted and that makes it all the better....Here is my latest creation!!!

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