Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy as a box of Fluffy Chicks

That is an actual phrase here in New Zealand to show how happy you are and this morning its wonderful to hear cheeping coming from our little chicken run. Our hen Goldie has been sitting on a clutch of egss...and all ten of them have hatched today. She has 10 lovely yellow chicks....I thought all of you would enjoy seeing photos of the happy brood....

I was going to include a picture  of the mommy but had a chick emergency. I found one on its side fighting for its life...so out it came for added help and care.

So as I write this - its sitting in my bra to keep warm and Yes if you are wondering - it does tickle.  I am hoping the wee one makes it...little chicks are so fragile...

 "I'm going to fight to live!"....send good thoughts my way ....and a suggestion for a name for me....not sure yet if I am a boy or girl....

Enjoy the pictures and send us a comment of what you think...


  1. Sending positive thoughts your way baby chick a dee. Have a Long and Healthy Life.....Much Love! Jaja


Our friends- please share with us your thoughts and words too. We welcome hearing from you and your unique insights.With love ..Greg and Tammy